Answered By: Katrina Streich
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2024     Views: 104

When making a list of journal publishers there are a number of things to consider before you submit your article for publication.

What are the aims and target audience for the journal?
Consider the audience for your article and decide which journal is a best fit with regards to their aims and audiences.

Is it a reputable journal?
Who is the publisher? Is it a well known publisher with a good reputation?
What review process does the publisher use prior to publication?
Is the journal indexed within a reputable, known database, eg PubMed / Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, etc? This can ensure your article is easily discovered.
Check the journal's ranking (Journal Impact Factor JIF) and citation scores. Journals with SCImago Rankings of Q1 or Q2 are considered higher quality.
Consider all Journal ranking tools to make an informed decision, eg H-index score, CiteScore, etc.

Are there any charges for publishing?
Check this before submitting your article. Allow for this in your grant or research funding application.
Open access does not mean free of charges.

Below are a number of links to resources that will assist you through this process.

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