Answered By: Katrina Streich Last Updated: Jan 05, 2021 Views: 727
There are a number of ways in which you can check if your article has been cited by other papers.
Note, you may need to use a number of tools, depending on availability, to determine how many times your article has been cited.
Research databases
Some databases or search discovery tools may have tools that track citation usage, eg PlumX. If your article is published in a journal that is indexed by the following databases, you may have access to citation and usage information. For example:
PubMed may show which journals in PubMed Central have cited your article and provide links to citing references.
- Search for your paper title
- Check the right hand side of the screen for results Cited by X PubMed Central articles section
- Click on these links to track the citing paper
Ebsco databases
CKN provides access to a number of Ebsco databases.
- Search the individual databases or CKN Discovery
- Check the full record of your cited article
- Check for PlumX link on the LH side of the screen - this provides usage stats for the article
- Click on the link to show usage of the article
- The detailed record may also show have the following information on the left hand side of the screen: Related Information | Cited References | Cited References (xx)
- Click on the Cited References link to show the list of articles which reference your paper
Ebsco databases available via CKN that may include Cited References or PlumX information include Medline, CINAHL, Socindex, Psycinfo, Health Policy Reference Center.
Google Scholar
- Go to Google Scholar
- Search for your article or paper
- The overview will show "Cited by X" in the results
Scopus & Web of Science
CKN does not provide access to these databases.
Searching CKN Discovery (global search on CKN home page) - see also Content providers. The general CKN Discovery search will provide some references to the Science Citation Index and other databases not listed on the research databases page, but they are not directly available.
Journal publisher website information
Commercial publishers may also provide citation tools or citations information.
- Search for the journal article using the article DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - if available
- If no DOI, then search for the journal title and journal article title until you find your specific paper
- Check for citation tools on the journal article page
How to improve your journal article impact?
See LKC Research in healthcare guide below - Disseminate page for more information about improving the impact of your research.
Things to consider before you publish:
- Is the journal that you want to publish in indexed in major databases or indexing services? Check the About Journal page / Indexing information and look for Medline / PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, etc.
- Create an ORCiD identifier which is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers
- Be consistent with your name to ensure you are accurately identified (as opposed to other authors with the same name)
- Create an author ID to claim your publications, eg:
- Google Scholar Citations
- Web of Science OR Scopus author IDs (note, access to Scopus is required - not currently available via CKN)
See links below for further information.
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