Answered By: Katrina Streich
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2021     Views: 135

To search for a book, go to the Cairns Hospital Library & Knowledge Centre Catalogue (link below). Instructions are also available (see document link).

Search LKC

You can use Search LKC via our website home page. Just select LKC Catalogue first from the options. Type in your search terms.

  • Consider using quotation marks. Eg, "Clinical examination", for titles or phrases for more accurate searching.

Searching LKC Catalogue website

If you are searching for a specific title from the Catalogue website directly, select Title or Title phrase search from the drop down search options.

Likewise, select Author search if you are looking for books from a specific Author.

Login to your account to view and renew your loans. If you don't have a login, then use the link below to register.

LKC uses the open source, web hosted KOHA library management system. The LKC catalogue access is available via the internet and therefore you can search from home.

The LKC does not share a catalogue with other QH libraries. You will not find our resources on the QH libraries catalogue. You must use the link for the LKC Catalogue.

What happens if the LKC doesn’t have what you want in the collection or it’s not available on CKN? Then we have access to Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loans services where we can request items from other libraries or purchase articles from a commercial provider.

Send requests via email (include payroll number for registered staff article requests) or use our online forms available at Request forms page of our website.

Looking for a CKN eBook? Go to CKN, select ALL eJournals & eBooks search (left hand menu link).

Contact Cairns Hospital LKC

To contact Cairns Hospital, Library & Knowledge Centre (Cairns & Hinterland Hospital & Health Service):

  • +61 7 4226 6679
  • Email
  • 08:30-16:30

Closed weekends and public holidays.